r66.ac var livery_update = aircraft.livery_update.new("Aircraft/Robinson-R66/Models/liveries", 30); var self = cmdarg(); var aliases = []; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) { var door = self.getNode("sim/model/bo105/doors/door[" ~ i ~ "]/position-norm", 1); var generic = self.getNode("sim/multiplay/generic/float[" ~ i ~ "]", 1); door.alias(generic); append(aliases, door); } #if you're just using the pack, change the values according to the MP bindings in the -set.xml file #you don't need to delete the entries if the path is nil - it gets skipped automatically and the MP path is just ignored var mirrorValues = [ mpVar.new(mpPath~"sim/multiplay/generic/int[7]", mpPath~"sim/crashed"), mpVar.new(mpPath~"sim/multiplay/generic/int[0]", navSwitch), mpVar.new(mpPath~"sim/multiplay/generic/int[1]", beaconSwitch), mpVar.new(mpPath~"sim/multiplay/generic/int[1]", strobeSwitch), mpVar.new(mpPath~"sim/multiplay/generic/int[2]", landingSwitch), mpVar.new(mpPath~"sim/multiplay/generic/int[3]", taxiSwitch), mpVar.new(mpPath~"sim/multiplay/generic/int[3]", probeSwitch), mpVar.new(mpPath~"sim/multiplay/generic/int[0]", whiteSwitch), mpVar.new(mpPath~"sim/multiplay/generic/int[8]", searchSwitch), ]; #loop at the default MP transfer frequency (10Hz) var mirrorTimer = maketimer(0.1, func { foreach(var mir; mirrorValues) { mir.check(); } }); mirrorTimer.start(); #### NAV LIGHTS #### #class for a periodic fade in/out animation - for flashing, use rather standard aircraft.light.new(), as in Beacon and Strobe section var lightCycle = { #constructor new: func(propSwitch, propOut) { m = { parents: [lightCycle] }; props.globals.initNode(propOut, 0, "DOUBLE"); props.globals.initNode(propSwitch, 1, "BOOL"); m.fadeIn = 0.4 + rand()*0.05-0.025; #fade in time m.fadeOut = 0.4 + rand()*0.05-0.025; #fade out time m.stayOn = 1.5 + rand()*0.05-0.025; #stable on period m.stayOff = 1 + rand()*0.05-0.025; #stable off period m.turnOff = 0.12; #fade out time when turned off m.phase = 0; #phase to be run on next timer call: 0 -> fade in, 1 -> stay on, 2 -> fade out, 3 -> stay off m.cycleTimer = maketimer(0.1, func { if(getprop(propSwitch)) { if(m.phase == 0) { interpolate(propOut, 1, m.fadeIn); m.phase = 1; m.cycleTimer.restart(m.fadeIn); } else if(m.phase == 1){ m.phase = 2; m.cycleTimer.restart(m.stayOn); } else if(m.phase == 2){ interpolate(propOut, 0, m.fadeOut); m.phase = 3; m.cycleTimer.restart(m.fadeOut); } else if(m.phase == 3){ m.phase = 0; m.cycleTimer.restart(m.stayOff); } } else { interpolate(propOut, 0, m.turnOff); #kills any currently ongoing interpolation m.phase = 0; } }); m.cycleTimer.singleShot = 1; if(propSwitch==nil) { m.listen = nil; return m; } m.listen = setlistener(propSwitch, func{m.cycleTimer.restart(0);}); #handle switch changes m.cycleTimer.restart(0); #start the looping return m; }, #destructor del: func { if(me.listen!=nil) removelistener(me.listen); me.cycleTimer.stop(); }, }; #By default, the switch property is initialized to 1 (only if no value is already assigned). Don't change the class implementation! To override this, set the property manually. You don't need to care if any other code already does it for you. var navLights = nil; if(!navStillOn) { navLights = lightCycle.new(navSwitch, lightsPath~"nav-lights-intensity"); ### Uncomment and tune those to customize times ### #navLights.fadeIn = 0.4; #fade in time #navLights.fadeOut = 0.4; #fade out time #navLights.stayOn = 3 + rand()*0.05-0.025; #stable on period #navLights.stayOff = 0.6; #stable off period #navLights.turnOff = 0.12; #fade out time when turned off } ### BEACON ### var beacon = nil; if(beaconSwitch!=nil) { props.globals.initNode(beaconSwitch, 1, "BOOL"); beacon = aircraft.light.new(lightsPath~"beacon-state", [0.0, 1.0 + rand()*0.05-0.025], beaconSwitch); } ### STROBE ### var strobe = nil; if(strobeSwitch!=nil) { props.globals.initNode(strobeSwitch, 1, "BOOL"); strobe = aircraft.light.new(lightsPath~"strobe-state", [0.0, 0.87 + rand()*0.05-0.025], strobeSwitch); } ### LIGHT FADING ### #class for controlling fade in/out behavior - propIn is a control property (handled as a boolean) and propOut is interpolated #all light brightness animations in xmls depend on propOut (Rembrandt brightness, material emission, flares transparency, ...) var lightFadeInOut = { #constructor new: func(propSwitch, propOut) { m = { parents: [lightFadeInOut] }; m.fadeIn = 0.3; #some sane defaults m.fadeOut = 0.4; if(propSwitch==nil) { m.listen = nil; return m; } props.globals.initNode(propSwitch, 1, "BOOL"); m.isOn = getprop(propSwitch); props.globals.initNode(propOut, m.isOn, "DOUBLE"); m.listen = setlistener(propSwitch, func { if(m.isOn and !getprop(propSwitch)) { interpolate(propOut, 0, m.fadeOut); m.isOn = 0; } if(!m.isOn and getprop(propSwitch)) { interpolate(propOut, 1, m.fadeIn); m.isOn = 1; } } ); return m; }, #destructor del: func { if(me.listen!=nil) removelistener(me.listen); }, }; fadeLanding = lightFadeInOut.new(landingSwitch, lightsPath~"landing-lights-intensity"); fadeLanding = lightFadeInOut.new(searchSwitch, lightsPath~"search-lights-intensity"); fadeTaxi = lightFadeInOut.new(taxiSwitch, lightsPath~"taxi-light-intensity"); fadeProbe = lightFadeInOut.new(probeSwitch, lightsPath~"probe-light-intensity"); fadeWhite = lightFadeInOut.new(whiteSwitch, lightsPath~"white-light-intensity"); if(navStillOn) { navLights = lightFadeInOut.new(navSwitch, lightsPath~"nav-lights-intensity"); navLights.fadeIn = 0.1; navLights.fadeOut = 0.12; } #manipulate times if defaults don't fit your needs: #fadeLanding.fadeIn = 0.5; #fadeLanding.fadeOut = 0.8; ### the rest of your model load embedded Nasal code ### ]]> #prevent multiple timers and listeners from running and fighting on next connect #cleanly destroy MP property mirroring mirrorTimer.stop(); mirrorTimer = nil; mirrorValues = nil; #cleanly destroy nav lights if(navStillOn) { navLights.del(); } else { if(navSwitch!=nil) setprop(navSwitch, 0); navLights.del(); if(navSwitch!=nil) navLights.cycleTimer = nil; navLights = nil; } #cleanly destroy beacon if(beaconSwitch!=nil) setprop(beaconSwitch, 0); beacon.del(); beacon = nil; #cleanly destroy strobe if(strobeSwitch!=nil) setprop(strobeSwitch, 0); strobe.del(); strobe = nil; #cleanly destroy light fade in/out animation objects fadeLanding.del(); fadeTaxi.del(); fadeProbe.del(); fadeWhite.del(); ### the rest of your model unload embedded Nasal code ### livery_update.stop(); Aircraft/Robinson-R66/Sounds/raven-mp-sound.xml fuselage patins supportlampe protection porteAG porteAD porteBG porteBD pate derive lights trous echappe vitres intvitres verrelampe vitreAG vitreAD vitreBG vitreBD redlight greenlight material fuselage patins supportlampe protection porteAG porteAD porteBG porteBD pate derive lights trous echappe sim/model/livery texture texture.png specular/red specular/green specular/blue emission/red emission/green emission/blue Aircraft/Robinson-R66/Models/Effects/bk117reflectglas-uber windshield windowRR windowRL windowFR windowFL noshadow vitres verrelampe vitreAG vitreAD vitreBG vitreBD redlight greenlight Interieur Aircraft/Robinson-R66/Models/Interior/interior.xml noshadow Interieur Aircraft/Robinson-R66/Models/MainRotor/mainrotor.xml 0 0.000 1.410 Aircraft/Robinson-R66/Models/TailRotor/tailrotor.xml 6.1 -0.247 0.395 90 LandingLight1 Aircraft/Robinson-R66/Models/light/BBeacon.xml -4.55 -0.065 -0.850 0 LandingLight2 Aircraft/Robinson-R66/Models/light/BBeacon.xml -4.55 0.065 -0.850 0 PorteAvantGauche porteAG windowFR PorteAvantDroite porteAD windowFL PorteArriereGauche porteBG windowRR PorteArriereDroite porteBD windowRL pick PorteAvantGauche false nasal rotate PorteAvantGauche instrumentation/doors/Lcrew/position-norm -80 -3.795 -0.607 -0.603 -3.631 -0.625 -0.266 pick PorteAvantDroite false nasal rotate PorteAvantDroite instrumentation/doors/Rcrew/position-norm 80 -3.795 0.607 -0.603 -3.631 0.625 -0.266 pick PorteArriereGauche false nasal rotate PorteArriereGauche instrumentation/doors/Lpassenger/position-norm -80 -3.181 -0.646 -0.726 -3.046 -0.666 -0.346 pick PorteArriereDroite false nasal rotate PorteArriereDroite instrumentation/doors/Rpassenger/position-norm 80 -3.181 0.646 -0.726 -3.046 0.666 -0.346 pick RemoveRRDoor false property-toggle sim/model/Robinson-R66/remove-door-rr pick RemoveRFDoor false property-toggle sim/model/Robinson-R66/remove-door-rf pick RemoveLRDoor false property-toggle sim/model/Robinson-R66/remove-door-lr pick RemoveLFDoor false property-toggle sim/model/Robinson-R66/remove-door-lf select porteBD windowRL intporteBD intvitreBD sim/model/Robinson-R66/remove-door-rr select porteAD windowFL intporteAD intvitreAD sim/model/Robinson-R66/remove-door-rf select porteBG windowRR intporteBG intvitreBG sim/model/Robinson-R66/remove-door-lr select porteAG windowFR intporteAG intvitreAG sim/model/Robinson-R66/remove-door-lf shadowOSG Aircraft/Robinson-R66/Models/shadowR.xml