1. Basic instructions for inclusion of the moving Map display.
  2. Place all the files from the MovingMap folder into your screen/MFD folder ready for use.
  3. Place the contents of the NASAL folder into your aircrafts NASAL folder.
  4. The map Grid can be found in the "res" folder as "".
  5. There is probably lots of stuff in the folder thats not needed.
  6. The example mfd XML shows a simple way of linking the map to a blank screen. You will need to resize the to match your screen size using a 3d proggie.
  7. Using the offsets in your screens XML file you can fine tune the position of the map into the viewing area of your screen.
  8. Using the example instrumentation.xml you will find the code requied to be placed in your own aircrafts instrumantation tabs.
  9. Dont forget to include the following into the NASAL area of your set file to activate the map :-
  10. <terrain-map>
  11. <file>Aircraft/YourAircraft/Nasal/terrain-map.nas</file>
  12. </terrain-map>
  13. good luck.