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- Basic instructions for inclusion of the moving Map display.
- Place all the files from the MovingMap folder into your screen/MFD folder ready for use.
- Place the contents of the NASAL folder into your aircrafts NASAL folder.
- The map Grid can be found in the "res" folder as "terrain-map-pixel.ac".
- There is probably lots of stuff in the folder thats not needed.
- The example mfd XML shows a simple way of linking the map to a blank screen. You will need to resize the terrain-map-pixel.ac to match your screen size using a 3d proggie.
- Using the offsets in your screens XML file you can fine tune the position of the map into the viewing area of your screen.
- Using the example instrumentation.xml you will find the code requied to be placed in your own aircrafts instrumantation tabs.
- Dont forget to include the following into the NASAL area of your set file to activate the map :-
- <terrain-map>
- <file>Aircraft/YourAircraft/Nasal/terrain-map.nas</file>
- </terrain-map>
- good luck.