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Modified  set file to  work with reflection shaders.
StuartC hace 1 año
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 312 adiciones y 308 borrados
  1. 312 308

+ 312 - 308

@@ -1,308 +1,312 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!-- Folland Gnat T1 -->
-  <sim>
-    <description>Folland Gnat T1</description>
-    <author>Warty</author>
-    <aircraft-version>0.9</aircraft-version>
-    <status>0.9 BETA</status>
-    <rating>
-      <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
-      <systems type="int">3</systems>
-      <cockpit type="int">3</cockpit>
-      <model type="int">3</model>
-    </rating>
-    <instrumentation>
-      <path>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Systems/instrumentation.xml</path>
-    </instrumentation>
-    <systems>
-      <electrical>
-        <path>Aircraft/Generic/generic-electrical.xml</path>
-      </electrical>
-      <autopilot>
-        <path>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/systems/autopilot3.xml</path>
-      </autopilot>
-    </systems>
-    <model>
-      <path>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Models/Gnat_T1.xml</path>
-      <type>
-        <!-- 0: fighter , 1: trainer -->
-        <trainer>1</trainer>
-      </type>
-    </model>
-<!-- =========================================================== Start of Warty extras -->
-    <allow-toggle-cockpit>true</allow-toggle-cockpit>
-    <panel>  <!-- ========================================= not available in this repo -->
-	  <path>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Panels/panel-Gnat.xml</path>
-	  <hide-nonzero-heading-offset>false</hide-nonzero-heading-offset>
-	  <visibility archive="y">false</visibility>
-    </panel>
-  <hud>
-	<path n="1">Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Hud/hud_Gnat.xml</path>
-	<visibility n="1">true</visibility>
-	<palette>
-		<color n="0">
-			<alpha type="float">0.85</alpha>
-			<antialiased type="bool">true</antialiased>
-			<!--brightness type="float">0.85</brightness-->
-			<brightness type="float">0.50</brightness>
-			<transparent type="bool">true</transparent>
-			<red type="float">0.38</red>
-			<green type="float">1.0</green>
-			<blue type="float">0.22</blue>
-		</color> 
-		<color n="1"> 
-			<alpha type="float">0.85</alpha>
-			<antialiased type="bool">true</antialiased>
-			<brightness type="float">0.85</brightness>
-			<transparent type="bool">true</transparent>
-			<red type="float">1.0</red>
-			<green type="float">0.2</green>
-			<blue type="float">0.0</blue>
-		</color>	
-		<color n="2">
-			<alpha type="float">0.85</alpha>
-			<antialiased type="bool">true</antialiased>
-			<brightness type="float">0.85</brightness>
-			<transparent type="bool">true</transparent>
-			<red type="float">0.0</red>
-			<green type="float">0.0</green>
-			<blue type="float">0.7</blue>
-		</color>
-	</palette>
-  </hud>	
-<!-- ============================================================= End of Warty extras -->
-    <startup>
-      <splash-texture>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/splash.png</splash-texture>
-    </startup>
-    <virtual-cockpit archive="y">false</virtual-cockpit>
-    <view n="0">
-      <internal archive="y">true</internal>
-      <config>
-        <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
-        <y-offset-m archive="y">0.6</y-offset-m>
-        <z-offset-m archive="y">2.45</z-offset-m>
-        <pitch-offset-deg>-7</pitch-offset-deg>
-        <default-field-of-view-deg>85</default-field-of-view-deg>
-      </config>
-    </view>
-    <current-view>
-      <field-of-view>85.0</field-of-view>
-    </current-view>
-    <!-- Shift the camera target point back -->
-    <view n="1">
-      <config>
-        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
-        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
-        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
-      </config>
-    </view>
-    <view n="2">
-      <config>
-        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
-        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
-        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
-      </config>
-    </view>
-    <view n="3">
-      <config>
-        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
-        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
-        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
-      </config>
-    </view>
-    <view n="4">
-      <config>
-        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
-        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
-        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
-      </config>
-    </view>
-    <view n="5">
-      <config>
-        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
-        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
-        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
-      </config>
-    </view>
-    <view n="6">
-      <config>
-        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
-        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
-        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
-      </config>
-    </view>
-    <view n="7">
-      <config>
-        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
-        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
-        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
-      </config>
-    </view>
-    <flight-model>yasim</flight-model>
-    <aero>Gnat_T1-yasim</aero>
-    <fuel-fraction>0.5</fuel-fraction>
-    <sound>
-     <path>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Sounds/sound.xml</path>
-    </sound>
-    <engines>
-      <engine n="0">
-        <running>true</running>
-      </engine>
-    </engines>
-    <hud>
-      <enable3d>true</enable3d>
-    </hud>
-    <help>
-      <title>Gnat - Help</title>
-      <text>
- Taking off:
-  Increase throttle to 100%.
-  Release parking brake.
-  One click of flaps (0.33).
-  Rotate at 120-140kts.
- Landing:
-  Two clicks of flaps (0.66). 
-  Slow down to around 140kts.
-  Just prior to landing, reduce throttle to zero.
-  Apply the wheel brakes.
- The Gnat menu also has options to automate 
- various settings and set the AFCS to control things :o)
-      </text>
-    </help>
-    <menubar include="Dialogs/menu.xml"/>
-  </sim>
-  <controls>
-    <gear>
-      <brake-parking type="double">1.0</brake-parking>
-    </gear>
-        <engines>
-      <engine>
-        <throttle>0</throttle>
-      </engine>
-    </engines>
-  </controls>
-    <input>
-    <!-- ===============================Warty Extras START============================ -->
-    <keyboard include="Input/keyboard_Gnat.xml" />
-    <!-- =================================Warty Extras end============================ -->
-  </input>
-  <environment>
-    <turbulence>
-      <use-cloud-turbulence>true</use-cloud-turbulence>
-    </turbulence>
-  </environment>
-  <consumables>
-    <fuel>
-      <tank n="0">
-        <tank-num type="int">0</tank-num>
-        <level-gal_us archive="y">108</level-gal_us>
-      </tank>
-    </fuel>
-  </consumables>
-  <instrumentation>
-    <doors><!--opened at strtup -->
-      <crew>
-        <position-norm type="float">0</position-norm>
-      </crew>
-    </doors>
-  </instrumentation>
-    <Gnat_T1>
-    	<gear0_DN type="int">1</gear0_DN>
-    	<gear0_UP type="int">0</gear0_UP>
-     	<gear1_DN type="int">1</gear1_DN>
-    	<gear1_UP type="int">0</gear1_UP> 
-     	<gear2_DN type="int">1</gear2_DN>
-    	<gear2_UP type="int">0</gear2_UP> 
-     	<gearTransit type="int">0</gearTransit>  
-     	<smoke>
-     		<red   type="int">0</red>
-     		<white type="int">0</white>
-     		<blue  type="int">0</blue>
-     		<particlepersec  type="int">50</particlepersec>
-     	</smoke> 	
-    </Gnat_T1>
-  <nasal>
-    <Gnat_T1>
-      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/light.nas</file>
-      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/liveries.nas</file>
-      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/Gnat_T1.nas</file>
-    </Gnat_T1>
-    <doors>
-      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/doors.nas</file>
-    </doors>
-    <electrical>
-      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/electrical.nas</file>
-    </electrical>
-    <enav>
-      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/enav.nas</file><!-- TACAN -->
-    </enav>
-    <engines>
-      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/generic-yasim-engine.nas</file>
-      <script>
-        var engine1 = engines.Jet.new(0, 0, 0.01, 5.21, 3, 5, 1, 6);
-        setlistener("sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func {
-          engine1.init();
-        }, 0, 0);
-      </script>
-    </engines>
-<!-- =========================================================== Start of Warty extras -->
-	<afcs>       
-		<file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/common.nas</file>
-	    <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/Gnat_afcs.nas</file>
-	</afcs>
-<!-- ============================================================= End of Warty extras -->
-  </nasal>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- Folland Gnat T1 -->
+  <sim>
+    <description>Folland Gnat T1</description>
+    <author>Warty</author>
+    <aircraft-version>0.9</aircraft-version>
+    <status>0.9 BETA</status>
+    <rating>
+      <FDM type="int">4</FDM>
+      <systems type="int">3</systems>
+      <cockpit type="int">3</cockpit>
+      <model type="int">3</model>
+    </rating>
+    <instrumentation>
+      <path>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Systems/instrumentation.xml</path>
+    </instrumentation>
+    <systems>
+      <electrical>
+        <path>Aircraft/Generic/generic-electrical.xml</path>
+      </electrical>
+      <autopilot>
+        <path>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/systems/autopilot3.xml</path>
+      </autopilot>
+    </systems>
+    <model>
+      <path>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Models/Gnat_T1.xml</path>
+      <type>
+        <!-- 0: fighter , 1: trainer -->
+        <trainer>1</trainer>
+      </type>
+    </model>
+	<rendering>
+    <refl_correction type="string">-0.3</refl_correction>
+	<fresnel-factor>0.5</fresnel-factor>
+    </rendering>
+<!-- =========================================================== Start of Warty extras -->
+    <allow-toggle-cockpit>true</allow-toggle-cockpit>
+    <panel>  <!-- ========================================= not available in this repo -->
+	  <path>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Panels/panel-Gnat.xml</path>
+	  <hide-nonzero-heading-offset>false</hide-nonzero-heading-offset>
+	  <visibility archive="y">false</visibility>
+    </panel>
+  <hud>
+	<path n="1">Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Hud/hud_Gnat.xml</path>
+	<visibility n="1">true</visibility>
+	<palette>
+		<color n="0">
+			<alpha type="float">0.85</alpha>
+			<antialiased type="bool">true</antialiased>
+			<!--brightness type="float">0.85</brightness-->
+			<brightness type="float">0.50</brightness>
+			<transparent type="bool">true</transparent>
+			<red type="float">0.38</red>
+			<green type="float">1.0</green>
+			<blue type="float">0.22</blue>
+		</color> 
+		<color n="1"> 
+			<alpha type="float">0.85</alpha>
+			<antialiased type="bool">true</antialiased>
+			<brightness type="float">0.85</brightness>
+			<transparent type="bool">true</transparent>
+			<red type="float">1.0</red>
+			<green type="float">0.2</green>
+			<blue type="float">0.0</blue>
+		</color>	
+		<color n="2">
+			<alpha type="float">0.85</alpha>
+			<antialiased type="bool">true</antialiased>
+			<brightness type="float">0.85</brightness>
+			<transparent type="bool">true</transparent>
+			<red type="float">0.0</red>
+			<green type="float">0.0</green>
+			<blue type="float">0.7</blue>
+		</color>
+	</palette>
+  </hud>	
+<!-- ============================================================= End of Warty extras -->
+    <startup>
+      <splash-texture>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/splash.png</splash-texture>
+    </startup>
+    <virtual-cockpit archive="y">false</virtual-cockpit>
+    <view n="0">
+      <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+      <config>
+        <x-offset-m archive="y">0</x-offset-m>
+        <y-offset-m archive="y">0.6</y-offset-m>
+        <z-offset-m archive="y">2.45</z-offset-m>
+        <pitch-offset-deg>-7</pitch-offset-deg>
+        <default-field-of-view-deg>85</default-field-of-view-deg>
+      </config>
+    </view>
+    <current-view>
+      <field-of-view>85.0</field-of-view>
+    </current-view>
+    <!-- Shift the camera target point back -->
+    <view n="1">
+      <config>
+        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
+        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
+        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
+      </config>
+    </view>
+    <view n="2">
+      <config>
+        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
+        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
+        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
+      </config>
+    </view>
+    <view n="3">
+      <config>
+        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
+        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
+        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
+      </config>
+    </view>
+    <view n="4">
+      <config>
+        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
+        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
+        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
+      </config>
+    </view>
+    <view n="5">
+      <config>
+        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
+        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
+        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
+      </config>
+    </view>
+    <view n="6">
+      <config>
+        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
+        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
+        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
+      </config>
+    </view>
+    <view n="7">
+      <config>
+        <target-z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">6.0</target-z-offset-m>
+        <pitch-offset-deg archive="y">15</pitch-offset-deg>
+        <roll-offset-deg archive="y">1.5</roll-offset-deg>
+      </config>
+    </view>
+    <flight-model>yasim</flight-model>
+    <aero>Gnat_T1-yasim</aero>
+    <fuel-fraction>0.5</fuel-fraction>
+    <sound>
+     <path>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Sounds/sound.xml</path>
+    </sound>
+    <engines>
+      <engine n="0">
+        <running>true</running>
+      </engine>
+    </engines>
+    <hud>
+      <enable3d>true</enable3d>
+    </hud>
+    <help>
+      <title>Gnat - Help</title>
+      <text>
+ Taking off:
+  Increase throttle to 100%.
+  Release parking brake.
+  One click of flaps (0.33).
+  Rotate at 120-140kts.
+ Landing:
+  Two clicks of flaps (0.66). 
+  Slow down to around 140kts.
+  Just prior to landing, reduce throttle to zero.
+  Apply the wheel brakes.
+ The Gnat menu also has options to automate 
+ various settings and set the AFCS to control things :o)
+      </text>
+    </help>
+    <menubar include="Dialogs/menu.xml"/>
+  </sim>
+  <controls>
+    <gear>
+      <brake-parking type="double">1.0</brake-parking>
+    </gear>
+        <engines>
+      <engine>
+        <throttle>0</throttle>
+      </engine>
+    </engines>
+  </controls>
+    <input>
+    <!-- ===============================Warty Extras START============================ -->
+    <keyboard include="Input/keyboard_Gnat.xml" />
+    <!-- =================================Warty Extras end============================ -->
+  </input>
+  <environment>
+    <turbulence>
+      <use-cloud-turbulence>true</use-cloud-turbulence>
+    </turbulence>
+  </environment>
+  <consumables>
+    <fuel>
+      <tank n="0">
+        <tank-num type="int">0</tank-num>
+        <level-gal_us archive="y">108</level-gal_us>
+      </tank>
+    </fuel>
+  </consumables>
+  <instrumentation>
+    <doors><!--opened at strtup -->
+      <crew>
+        <position-norm type="float">0</position-norm>
+      </crew>
+    </doors>
+  </instrumentation>
+    <Gnat_T1>
+    	<gear0_DN type="int">1</gear0_DN>
+    	<gear0_UP type="int">0</gear0_UP>
+     	<gear1_DN type="int">1</gear1_DN>
+    	<gear1_UP type="int">0</gear1_UP> 
+     	<gear2_DN type="int">1</gear2_DN>
+    	<gear2_UP type="int">0</gear2_UP> 
+     	<gearTransit type="int">0</gearTransit>  
+     	<smoke>
+     		<red   type="int">0</red>
+     		<white type="int">0</white>
+     		<blue  type="int">0</blue>
+     		<particlepersec  type="int">50</particlepersec>
+     	</smoke> 	
+    </Gnat_T1>
+  <nasal>
+    <Gnat_T1>
+      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/light.nas</file>
+      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/liveries.nas</file>
+      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/Gnat_T1.nas</file>
+    </Gnat_T1>
+    <doors>
+      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/doors.nas</file>
+    </doors>
+    <electrical>
+      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/electrical.nas</file>
+    </electrical>
+    <enav>
+      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/enav.nas</file><!-- TACAN -->
+    </enav>
+    <engines>
+      <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/generic-yasim-engine.nas</file>
+      <script>
+        var engine1 = engines.Jet.new(0, 0, 0.01, 5.21, 3, 5, 1, 6);
+        setlistener("sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func {
+          engine1.init();
+        }, 0, 0);
+      </script>
+    </engines>
+<!-- =========================================================== Start of Warty extras -->
+	<afcs>       
+		<file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/common.nas</file>
+	    <file>Aircraft/Gnat_T1/Nasal/Gnat_afcs.nas</file>
+	</afcs>
+<!-- ============================================================= End of Warty extras -->
+  </nasal>