var V1_explode = props.globals.getNode("sim/multiplay/generic/int[1]"); var V1_fire = props.globals.getNode("sim/multiplay/generic/int[2]"); var V1_DetonateControl = 0; #used to check double Shift-D trigger V1_explode.setIntValue(0); V1_fire.setIntValue(0); setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft", 0); #automatic detonation on impact, with fire var listener_explode = setlistener("sim/crashed", func { if( getprop("sim/multiplay/generic/int[2]") < 1 and getprop("sim/crashed") ){ V1_explode.setIntValue(1); V1_fire.setIntValue(1); settimer( func { V1_explode.setIntValue(0);} , 0.2); } } ); #manual detonation, temporary fire var detonate = func { if ( V1_DetonateControl and getprop("sim/multiplay/generic/int[2]") < 1 ){ setprop("controls/engines/engine/throttle", 0); setprop("/controls/flight/elevator", 1); setprop("/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft", -5000); V1_explode.setIntValue(1); V1_fire.setIntValue(2); settimer( func { V1_explode.setIntValue( 0); } , 0.2); settimer( func { V1_fire.setIntValue(3); } , 20); } else { V1_DetonateControl = 1; settimer( func { V1_DetonateControl = 0; } , 2); } } #reset the explosive load var rearm = func { V1_fire.setIntValue(0); }